This is an extremely controversial topic, I know... But people have been asking me to post the research, studies, observations, and Catholic Church teaching on this one... So here goes. Please refrain from sending hate mail or negative comments; I am only placing information on here that supports Catholic Church teaching. I've heard the other side, the other arguments, and so have you, so here's the other side.
Most Christians have no idea how to argue this point without "throwing God/religion into the mix". It's not an easy topic. We as heterosexuals innately recognize that our attraction to the opposite sex is 'normal' (in other words, it falls under the category of natural law). Don't forget when making this argument that we are called to love the sinner, not the sin, we don't condemn the person because that is God's job on judgment day.
Homosexuality. What's the big deal? It's just about who you choose to love, right? I mean, everybody's doing it now. It kinda seems more like a fad than really a true way of life. Well, let's take a step back and look at it from a different perspective.
BORN GAYI've heard a few different arguments for living the 'gay' lifestyle. The first that comes to mind is that people are just born that way. Back in 1993, a molecular biologist by the name of Dean Hamer published a study that brought about this 'born gay' idea. In his study, Hamer stated science was "on the verge of proving that homosexuality is innate, genetic and therefore unchangeable - a normal variant of human nature." People went crazy. What they read and what the understood from this study were two completely different things. Hamer stated that science was on the VERGE of proving, they had not yet PROVEN that people could be born gay. The media started spreading the news of the 'gay gene', only in the fine print could one find the true statement that it was only a possibility and no real discovery had been made. Of course, as many of us know, most of us don't take the time to read the fine print or listen to the extra info; we just want the juicy story as the media feeds it to us.
So how do you tell people that heterosexuality is natural law and homosexuality is not? First let's take note of how the human body is made. Basically, men and women have the same build, two arms and eyes, two legs and ears, a nose, mouth, feet and hands, not to mention hips, stomach, shoulders, chest/breast, head and eye brows, we even have the same 'butt hole' (not to be crude, just speaking the truth). If you think about it, we may LOOK different, but we all have the same basic body parts. So what's different? Our reproductive organs.
Take the woman's reproductive organs: Her vagina is a hole, something which is meant to be filled (from time to time). She is RECEPTIVE. Now let's look at the man's reproductive organs: His penis protrudes out of his body, and honestly, it's kind of awkward and doesn't make much sense with the rest of his body. His penis is meant to be put into something. He is the GIVER.
Obviously we are all meant to give and receive, but our bodies speak a language that our mouths can't. Our bodies show what the relationship is supposed to look like, the man giving all of himself to his wife and the woman receiving all of her husband into her own body and then giving back to him. This makes them one, unites them. Not to mention that one result of intercourse is children. Between union, communion, and reproduction… sexual union in its natural state, becomes complete.
So, what happens when homosexuals unite? Either we have two RECEPTIVE people or two GIVERS. They are identical, what are you supposed to do with them? Come up with artificial ways of ‘arousing’ oneself or the other. Thus provokes the question, is it really love? No children can come of a homosexual union… they have to go outside the relationship in order to bring children into the ‘family’. If homosexual unions were natural, why can’t they reproduce? (This is a more difficult point to argue… if you don’t feel comfortable with it, don’t use it).
There is also evidence which shows us that there is a correlation between the rise in homosexual activity and the rise in AIDS. The following are websites which show this evidence:
There are many more resources; all you have to do is look. If you personally want to do more research, a great website is
They do not associate with any religion or political party; they are simply trying to put the truth out there. They have done extensive research for many years and are doctors and scientists. They offer help to those who do not want to be homosexual. Here is an article on the myths of homosexuality that they wrote:
The Three Myths
About Homosexuality
About Homosexuality
Myth #1
Homosexuality is normal and biologically determined.
The truth...
There is no scientific research indicating a biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. Biological factors may play a role in the predisposition to homosexuality. However, this is true of many other psychological conditions.
Research suggests that social and psychological factors are strongly influential. Examples include problems in early family relationships, sexual seduction, and sense of inadequacy with same-sex peers, with resulting disturbance in gender identity. Society can also influence a sexually questioning youth when it encourages gay self-labeling.
Myth #2
Homosexuals cannot change, and if they try, they will suffer great emotional distress and become suicidal. Therefore, treatment to change homosexuality must be stopped.
The truth...
Psychotherapists around the world who treat homosexuals report that significant numbers of their clients have experienced substantial healing. Change has come through psychological therapy, spirituality, and ex-gay support groups. Whether leading married or committed celibate lives, many report that their homosexual feelings have diminished greatly, and do not trouble them as much as they had in the past.
The keys to change are desire, persistence, and a willingness to investigate the conscious and unconscious conflicts from which the condition originated. Change comes slowly, usually over several years. Clients learn how to meet their needs for same-sex nurturance and affirmation without eroticizing the relationship. As they grow into their heterosexual potential, men and women typically experience a deeper and fuller sense of themselves as male or female.
If some homosexuals do not wish to change, that is their choice, yet it is profoundly sad that gay-rights activists struggle against the right-to-treatment for other homosexuals who yearn for freedom from their attractions.
Myth #3
We must teach our children that homosexuality is as normal and healthy as heterosexuality. Teenagers should be encouraged to celebrate their same-sex attractions.
The truth...
Scientific research supports age-old cultural norms that homosexuality is not a healthy, natural alternative to heterosexuality. Research shows that gay teens are especially vulnerable to substance abuse and early, high-risk sexual behavior. It does far more harm than good to tell a teenager that his or her attractions toward members of the same sex are normal and desirable. Teens in this position need understanding and counseling, not a push in the direction of a potentially deadly lifestyle.
A 1992 study in Pediatrics found that 25.9% of 12-year-olds are uncertain if they are gay or straight. The teen years are critical to the question of self-labeling, so the facts must be presented in our schools in a fair and balanced manner.
Hopefully all this info isn’t too overwhelming for you and more helpful. Unfortunately I do not have the space to make my full argument here, but that would definitely be overwhelming. I hope you will take some time to read the websites I quoted and realize that there is solid evidence for my argument. Please don’t forget… I do not write this to condemn. Love the person, not the sin. Love the people who support them and don’t know the truth. They need our love and kindness just as much as we do. God be with you as you discuss this difficult topic.
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