February 27, 2011

Your Way

I walk this road alone, cut deep by the knife of life. I choose to live this way, to cause my own suffering. I don't have to, but somehow, I have convinced myself that this is the way You would want it. That somehow, this sacrifice of mine will get me to You. But it won't. Am I still sabotaging myself? Lord, what are you going to do with me? There are so many things I try to do on my own, so many ways I try to prepare myself. It is all for naught. What You ask of me is simple, made just for me. All my own efforts are fruitless and often take me further from You. I have discovered the path which You ask all of us to travel, yet manage to get off it because I think I know a better way, a "short-cut" you might say. Who made me god? And what makes me think that I can figure out a way to You better than You can lead me to the One Way You have already established?
  1. Frequent the sacraments
    1. Mass
    2. Confession
  2. Pray
  3. Read The Word
It's all there, laid out like a map. However, none of this matters if it is not approached with an open heart. Opening your heart to the Lord is not easy. I always feel that, when I put my heart out there, I am about to get hurt. With man (humanity), that is true, due to the fall of man, we often hurt each other when we lay our hearts out. But God won't hurt us, ever. That being said, we must invite the Lord into our hearts, to see the ugliness of our souls. We must choose to allow Him to enter in, otherwise, He will always remain knocking on the outside. He waits for us, longs for us, loves us. Jesus wants to heal our ugliness and make us beautiful.
So make the decision today to open your heart to the Lord. Tell Him you want Him in your heart and life. Jesus will pour out His Grace and Strength to see you through, no matter how difficult your life may seem. He stands by us, holds and comforts us, leads us to victory. If you choose to open your heart to Him, remember... Jesus wins in the end! Give your heart to Him and you join the winning team!
Novena to have an open heart to the Lord:
Lord work on my heart
until it becomes like your Sacred Heart.
Give me hope.
Then I can love you and all my sisters and brothers
with the respect, compassion, and forgiveness
that you have for everyone. I ask this in your name. Amen.

I ask you to grant my special request during this novena:

( - make your intention here - ) .
If what I ask is not for my own good
and the good of others,
grant me what will most help
to build up your kingdom of justice, love and peace.
I make this prayer with confidence in your love.

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful! It made me cry. I have the gift of crying.
    I hope you read my two posts titled "We" and "We integration"
