March 18, 2009

Defining The Banquet

The Banquet is the Eternal Consummation of the marriage between Christ and the Church.

Wait, what? What do all those big words mean??

Jameson Taylor* wrote a review on Christopher West's "The Good News about Sex and Marriage" which includes a clear explanation of what The Banquet is:

"To explain, the human person -- including the human body -- has been made in the image of God. As such, the person is a mystery that mirrors the sublime mystery of divine love. In the marital act (and true sex can only really occur within the context of a sacramental marriage) man and wife uniquely [give], receive and [return] God's love in such a way that they share in God's creation of a new human person. The sexual embrace thus images God's love as does no other human act. In recognizing this "nuptial meaning" of the body, we also see that the human body itself is a sacramental sign of God's love. Sex, we might say, is nothing less than a mystical encounter with the divine."

Jameson Taylor is a philosophy professor and author of numerous articles and books, including America's Drug Deal: Vaccines, Abortion, Corruption (forthcoming Requiem Press). For more information see:

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