January 10th, 2013 is a day I
will never forget. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in my
life. On January 10th, 2012, I began dating a man who changed my life
forever. Through him, God brought to light many of my fears and began the
difficult process of healing me. Now, one year later, God has called us
to move forward together in life toward marriage. We are engaged.
I didn't know what to expect
engagement to feel like, but I woke up the next day feeling like the same person
(except for the fact that I had a ring on my finger and a song in my heart
:)). It feels weird to finally be able to say "I am engaged",
to finally begin my journey towards fulfilling my vocation. But I had to
ask the question... What does it mean to be engaged??
I asked a friend this
question and she said, "All I know is that there is a wedding at the end
of it and that's pretty sweet!" She was recently married, so she
should know. :)
My engagement ring. :)