February 24, 2010

Let the Healing Begin

It's been quite some time since my last blog because of the Holidays, which seemed busier than years past. I had some time to reflect a lot more on my vacation in January than in the last several months (though it still wasn't nearly enough). The last blog I wrote conveyed the struggles that I was going through and the loneliness and pain I felt after ending a difficult relationship. So much has changed since then. Over the last several months, I have sought healing for the brokenness in my life.

My dearest brothers and sisters, I cannot emphasize enough what a difference this has made in my life. I encourage you to seek healing in your lives, the Lord wants to heal you! He created you to be whole, united with Him through every moment of your life. Do not hold on to the pain inflicted upon you, as if you deserve it. By doing so, you are telling God that you know better than He does what is best for you, and you will remain broken and separated from God. You were not created as a joke, some 'thing' that God plays with and enjoys watching suffer. God created us in love and to love. He knows and loves YOU.

How do you find healing? Through the Sacraments. Go to confession and Mass often! When you go to confession, really reflect on your life and use an examination of conscience to guide you to the areas in your life where you crucify Christ. When you go to Mass, pray beforehand and prepare yourself to receive the body of your Savior.

Something that has helped me is meeting with some people who are actually trained to do healing prayer over people. If you do this, make sure that the person or people you go to, have been trained! They can't help you if they haven't. I would also encourage you to get a Spiritual Director (again, someone who has had training).

We were not meant to walk this road alone, nor are we meant to remain broken by everything from our pasts. If you desire a better life, and a better world, pray the following prayer and seek healing:

"Dear Lord, let it begin with me. Amen."
